Tuesday 21 October 2014



Minar-e-Pakistan is a public monument located in Iqbal Park which is one of the largest urban parks in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.The tower was constructed during the 1960s on the site where, on 23 March 1940, the All-India Muslim League passed the Lahore Resolution, the first official call for a separate homeland for the Muslims living in the South Asia, in accordance with the two nation theory.


The tower was designed and supervised by Nasreddin Murat-Khan, an architect and engineer hailing from Daghistan.The structural design was given by Nasreddin Murat-Khan (a qualified engineer himself), assisted by Engineer Abdur Rehman Khan Niazi who was working as Structural Design Engineer for Illeri N. Murat-Khan & Associates. Approved by the President, the design was built by Mian Abdul Khaliq and Company.The foundation stone was laid on 23 March 1960. The construction took eight years, and was completed in 1968. The Minar was completed on 31 October 1968 at an estimated cost of Rs. 7,058,000. The money was collected by imposing an additional tax on the cinema and horse racing tickets on the demand of Akhtar Hussain, governor of West Pakistan. Today, the minaret provides a panoramic view to visitors who can climb up the stairs or through an elevator. The parks around the monument include marble fountains and an artificial lake.

Minar e Pakistan Height

Height of Minar e Pakistan is 60 Meter or in feet it is 198.5 feet high from surface. Minar e Pakistan was built on a Base which is also four meters high from the Ground. Minar was built on center point of Base and central Star.  Most of the construction material used in tower is marble and stones in different shapes and colours. Minar is designed in a flower shape. You can climb up through stairs or elevators. This place is also mostly known as Yadgar in Lahore by Lahori people. Height of Badshai Moasque Minarets is 54 Meters and that is lower than minar e Pakistan.


At the base, there are floral inscriptions on ten converging white marble Commemorative plaques. The inscriptions include the text of Lahore Resolution in Urdu, Bengali and English, and Delhi Resolution's text, which was passed on 9 April 1946. On different plaques, Quranic verses and 99 attributes of Allah are inscribed in Arabic calligraphy, whereas National Anthem of Pakistan in Urdu and Bengali, excerpts from the speeches of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in Urdu, Bengali and English, as well as few couplets of Allama Iqbal are inscribed.


With the growth of the city and location of the monument at busy intersection of Circular Road and Multan Road, air pollution from traffic-congestion is continuously damaging the marble structure which is now in need of refurnishment.

Political Stands

Minar-e-Pakistan has always served as the location a number of political protests and rallies, like PTI's historical jalsas of 31 October'12, 23 March'13 and 28 September'14. etc.

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